I never knew what loneliness felt like till you departed💓
RIP Lynda.
RIP Lynda till we meet again. X Joyce and Les xxx
May this donation help in the fight against that awful killer which strikes unknowingly and ends so tragically so that other s afflicted and their families don't have to suffer the horror.
My special aunt Lynda will be sadly missed
My best and only sister also my best friend Lynda will be missed so much by both of us
My best and only sister and also my very best friend Lynda will be missed so much by myself and David
The loveliest great aunt Lynda, thank you for being such an important part in our lives, you’ll be forever missed and forever loved xxx
Auntie Lynda, forever missed, forever loved xxx
I miss my lovely great aunt Lynda xxx
I feel so lucky to have had beautiful Linda as my aunt and my friend. She has been there for me always and I don't know what I will do without her. I miss her so much x