Defying the odds

Created by James (Jim) one year ago

The chief consultant at West Middlesex Hospital's stroke unit said Lynda would probably never walk again after the stroke in August 2020 which left her paralysed down her entire left side. However, within a few months she had regained her mobility and was walking confidently. It wasn't the first time she had defied a medical prognosis nor would it be the last.

When diagnosed with adenopancreatic cancer with metastasis to the liver in August 2022, confirmed as untreatable in September, she was given just three months to live and consigned to palliative care. She wasn't supposed to see Christmas but she did and we made it a very special one together; she wasn't supposed to see the new year or Easter but she did, sadly no Easter egg this year because of her unstable type 2 diabetes. She certainly wasn't supposed to see the summer of 2023 but she made it! Sadly her demise came quickly in June after a couple of hospital visits and a scan which showed a deep-vein thrombosis. It was in the same area at the back of her left thigh that her GP had diagnosed as sciatica, which caused her great pain. She had a bad reaction to the anticoagulant Apixaban, prescribed by the hospital consultant, which resulted in her being rushed back to Ealing Hospital. Sadly, the doctors there could do nothing more for her other than make her comfortable and ease her suffering. She was put on the end of life path and transfered to Meadow House Hospice where her pain was finally successfully managed as she lapsed in and out of consciousness. For her last two days, Lynda was in coma but opened her eyes for a few minutes before she passed. She heard of all the family members who visited and knew that she was surrounded by love. The last thing she saw before closing her eyes for the final time, at 12.35am on Monday 19th June, was a favourite picture of her beloved Jesus.

Lynda, we will always love and miss you.